Why water is important from the dentist in Molesey

Why water is important from the dentist in Molesey

Why does drinking water matter when it comes to oral health? Here at Smilessence, we emphasise preventive care as well as offering treatments to resolve dental difficulties and improve the smile.

Preventive care is all about looking after the teeth and gums so that patients enjoy good oral health and spend less time with the dentist in Molesey. Drinking lots of water can be an important element of that. Here, we explain why and how patients can benefit from increasing their water consumption.

Keeping hydrated

Drinking enough water benefits the body and brain as well as the teeth and gums. If a person is dehydrated, then they are likely to experience a dry mouth. This has two main negative effects.

Firstly, having a dry mouth is uncomfortable and can make a person feel unwell. Secondly, it can cause an otherwise healthy mouth to smell bad. This can have a major impact on self-confidence, and a person’s relationships and ability to engage with others. All of this can affect their mental health as well as oral health.

Drinking plenty of water encourages the mouth to create saliva. Saliva is important for healthy teeth and gums as it helps to provide a line of defence against damage and deterioration. As the dentist in Molesey, we recommend being well hydrated as a means of reducing the risk of the erosion of the teeth and gums and the need for treatment related to these issues.

Tap water is ideal

Many people believe that drinking bottled water is healthier but tap water can be more beneficial at protecting oral health. This is because most tap water has fluoride in it. Fluoride is a mineral that features protective properties for the teeth and gums, helping to make them stronger and healthier. Patients of the dentist in Molesey who drink tap water regularly usually need less in the way of treatments such as fillings and find that their teeth are in better condition than those who do not look after themselves in this way.

The health drink of choice

There are now a multitude of drinks marketed as healthy choices. They claim to feature a range of benefits with a fairly significant price tag attached. Many of these contain a lot of sugar and can actually cause damage to the teeth.

Fizzy drinks are also a poor choice for those interested in their oral health. Many fizzy drinks are also loaded with sugar, and the diet versions may be calorie free, but they are not good for the teeth. They erode the teeth’s enamel, making them more vulnerable to breakage and damage.

While fizzy drinks, fruit juices and energy drinks can be enjoyed on occasion, we recommend making water the main choice. The patient who drinks tap water rather than other options most of the time has healthier teeth and gums and is usually in better general health.

Drinking water may seem like a simple choice, but it is one that can be hugely beneficial for oral health.

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